The aims and object for which the Association is formed are as under
[vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To advocate for regulatory, payment, tax and liability policies that will foster an environment in which innovation can flourish.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]Collating information and exchanging of experiences for the purpose of serving interests of member companies.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]Coordination with governmental authorities whether local, federal or regional and making appropriate suggestions in relation to legislation or practice and procedures related to business of member companies.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]Launching awareness campaigns targeting government, business community and consumers.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]Interaction with trade partners.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]Promotion of the pursuit of excellence in the development and delivery of medical technologies that save or enhance lives or reduce disability.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To advocate for regulatory, payment, tax and liability policies that will foster an environment in which innovation can flourish.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]Improvement of patient’s access to these technologies.[/vc_list_item]
The purpose of formation of the Association is the Promotion of members’ ability to be successful, and thereby expand their ability to deliver benefits to patients, healthcare providers, employees, shareholders, and the local communities in which they do business.
The objects of the Association shall be:
[vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To promote and protect the business interests of the members of the Association who are Manufacturing Exporters and Commercial Exporters and to do all that is necessary for the development of the exports.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To do all efforts to increase public awareness of the economic and health benefits the Healthcare Devices Industry delivers to the nation and throughout the world.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To make continuous dedicated efforts for providing ongoing training and education so as to help/ equip its members to adapt to the changing environment in which they operate. [/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To represent HDAP members in dealing with all legal issues, Healthcare Devices Regulatory Issues, Tax Issues, Export Related Issues and all other issues common to all groups of different families of product lines and to provide joint representations at all forums to to take care in resolving such issues affecting interests of the members.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To serve to amplify the voices and convey the interests of member companies by uniting healthcare devices’ stakeholders, (large and small), before state and federal legislatures and relevant regulatory authorities or at any other forum both nationally and internationally.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To represent the interests of its member companies in the delivery of innovative, life-changing technologies to patients.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To act as the common voice for companies operating in Pakistan healthcare devices, diagnostic products and health information systems.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To advocate for the highest ethical standards, timely patient access to safe and effective products, and economic and regulatory policies that reward value creation and ensuring overall growth of Healthcare Devices Industry and further address the needs of all members of the Healthcare Device Industry irrespective of their affiliation or their company size.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To get the members of HDAP realized to remain committed towards shaping up Pakistani healthcare environment to get the most innovative, reliable and cost effective medical technologies and related services, and to facilitate patient access to the highest standards of care.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To provide Platform to HDAP members, as one voice of Medical Device, Diagnostic and Equipment companies operating in Pakistan, recognize that adherence to ethical standards and compliance to applicable laws are critical to the industry’s ability to continue its collaboration with healthcare professionals.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To promote public health and improve patient care through the advocacy of innovative, research-driven medical device technology.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To consider all problems and issues confronting Healthcare Devices Industry and to devise, ways and means for tackling and solving the same.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To hold seminars and lectures in order to update the members about the latest developments and techniques in the industry.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To take part in international trade fairs/exhibitions to boost the sales of products of the Healthcare Devices Industry[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To establish a separate cell to do intensive research, and explore and develop new international markets for the progress of Healthcare Devices Industry.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To collect and circulate permissible statistics and other information relating to or of interest to the business of its members and for the trade in general.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To publish or cause to publish or encourage and support publications, bulletins or any other information considered useful or beneficial to the Healthcare Devices Industry.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To consider and take legitimate steps necessary for starting, promoting, supporting or opposing any measures affecting the business interests of its members and the trade in general.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To make representations to and communicate with local, Provincial, Federal or other authorities, both Government and private, for any matter affecting the business interests of its members or the industry.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To secure, organize, and coordinate action on all or any matters pertaining to or affecting the business of its members.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To arbitrate in the settlement of disputes arising between members willing and/or agreeing to submit to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules of the Association, and to adjust and resolve controversies between members.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To advise and assist the government in the formulation of useful and progressive policies and to cooperate with them in their successful implementation.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To subscribe to and become members of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry and produce from and communicate with incorporated and recognized organizations of trade, commerce, and industry in Pakistan or abroad to obtain such information as is likely to further the objects of the Association.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To endeavor with recognized/registered Chambers or Association of Trade and industry to form a National Council of Arbitration of Pakistan and to seek affiliation or liaison with similar other Chambers, Associations or Councils abroad with the prior approval of the Government.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To form an Export promotion/business Council and do all acts, deeds and things incidental to or in furtherance thereof.[/vc_list_item]
And for the purpose of achieving the above aims and objects, the Association is authorized:-
[vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To accept any gift, donation or subscription and to invest the same and apply the income arising there from or to resort to apply the Capital thereof for any aims and objects of the Association.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To file, prosecute, defend or concur, join or aid fling, prosecuting and defending any such actions, suits, applications, appeals or other proceedings as the Association may think proper or which may be conducive to the attainment of the aims and objects of the Association.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To sign, seal, execute and deliver all instruments, deeds, documents and writings whatsoever that may be found to be necessary or expedient in realization of the objects of the Association or conduct of its affairs.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To remunerate any person or firm or company rendering services to the Association[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To pay all costs, charges and expenses, preliminary and incidental to the promotion and establishment of the Association.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To enter into any arrangement with any Government or authority, Municipal, Local or otherwise that may seem conducive to the aims and objects of the Association or any of them and to obtain from any such Government or authority, rights, concessions or privileges which the Association may think fit to obtain and to carry out and comply with any such arrangement, rights, privileges and concessions.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To frame from time to time such rules and bye-laws as the association may deem fit or proper for all or any of the aims and objects and to comply with all the requirements of the Trade Organizations Ordinance as amended from time to time, and the rules and regulations framed or the instructions and directions issued there under.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To open accounts with any bank or banks and to draw, make, accept, endorse, execute, issue, negotiate and discount cheques, promissory notes, bills of exchange, bills of lading, warrants, deposit notes, debentures, letter of credit and other negotiable instruments and securities.[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To arrange local and foreign currency loans from scheduled banks, industrial banks and financial institutions for the purpose of purchase, manufacture, market, supply, export and import of machinery, construction of factory, building and for the purpose of working capital or for any other purpose[/vc_list_item][vc_list_item icon_color=”#ec1f24″]To sell or otherwise dispose of the whole or any part of the undertaking of the Company, either together or in portions for such consideration as the Company may think fit and in particular, for shares, debenture-stock or securities of any Company purchasing the same. [/vc_list_item]
And to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above aims and objects.
The aims and objects set forth in any sub-clause of this clause shall not, except when the context expressly so requires, be in any way limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other sub-clause or by the name of the Association.