Following are new elected Office Bearers for the term 01st October, 2024 to 30th September, 2026:

[vc_team img_url=”4726″ name=”Mr. Syed Omer Ahmed” position=”Chairman”]Sy’ah Impex
1-6/15, Sector 5, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi
Tel: 021- 35122997-8
Mob: 0300-8491192
Email: [/vc_team]
[vc_team img_url=”4727″ name=”Mr. Shahan Irshad Ali” position=”Senior Vice Chairman”]SMS Corporation
13-B/1, Block-6, PECHS, Karachi
Tel: 021- 34384123
Mob: 0300-8271542
Email: [/vc_team]
[vc_team img_url=”4728″ name=”Mr. Zafar Ullah Alvi” position=”Vice Chairman”]Three Stars Medical Supplies
M17, M18 Mezanine Floor, Seth Centre, 10 Syed Mouj Darya Road, Lahore
Tel: 042- 37353433

Following is the Complete List of New Elected Executive Committee Members including New Elected Office Bearers Members for year 2024-26:

Sr. No. Name Designation in the trade organization Company Name
1 Mr. Syed Omer Ahmed Chairman Sy’ah Impex
2 Mr. Shahan Irshad Ali Senior Vice Chairman SMS Corporation
3 Mr. Zafar Ullah Alvi Vice Chairman Three Stars Medical Supplies
4 Dr. Tasmia Abeer Billoo Member Executive Committee Hospital Services & Sales
5 Ms. Eden Nasim Khan Member Executive Committee Johnson & Johnson Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.
6 Mr. Abdul Hameed Khan Member Executive Committee V Care International
7 Mr. Mufti Sarmad Aleem Member Executive Committee Reagnchem Scientific
8 Mr. Muhammad Shahbaz Member Executive Committee Shahbaz Scientific Corporation
9 Dr. Syed Mohammad Zaffar Hashmi Member Executive Committee Hoora Pharma (Pvt.) Ltd.
10 Dr. Suleman Alvi Member Executive Committee Martin Dow Specialities (Pvt.) Ltd
11 Mr. Shakeel Ahmed Shaikh Member Executive Committee Sure Bio-Diagnostics & Pharmaceuticals
12 Mr. Muhammad Abid Yaqub Member Executive Committee Mian Scientific Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd.
13 Mr. Faiz Yaqub Member Executive Committee Digital Imaging Systems


HDAP Election Commission Members,

1. Mr. Arshad Aleem

Chief Election Commissioner

2. Mr. Muhammad Saeed Zia

Member Election Commission

3. Mr. Hozaifa Hashim

Member Election Commission

M/s. Diag. M (Private) Limited M/s. Vatnage Technologies M/s. Meditec Instruments Co.
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